Finishing School, What’s Next?

You may have noticed that in 2023 I started this blog, then promptly stopped posting and disappeared from my site. This is because I decided to go back to school to finish my undergraduate degree. A little late in life, but I was told it’s never too late to follow your dreams. As of May of this year, I will have my bachelor’s degree in Arts Management from a prestigious public university.

Now I truly feel I can do it all. I plan on applying for jobs where I can put my degree to use. I also plan on continuing to shoot content, do phonesex and remote domination, and ocassionally webcam for those who bribe me well enough to make it worth my time. So don’t worry, I fully plan on staying involved in adult work. Who knows, I may potentially stay working with adult brands and just be on the business administration and management side of things.

I cannot believe it has been over 15 years since I started porn. What a long, strange, but beautiful journey it has been. Thank you to all of my paying fans and phone clients who have stuck by me all these years, especially the last two when I was in school. You all have really made my dreams come true and I would not be here without you.

Blogging and writing has always been fun for me. I hope to write more articles this year now that I will have more free time when school ends. If you have any topics you want me to explore in my wiritng, or questions you want me to publicly answer, feel free to send them to my email listed on my Contact page here.